Bahamian Rhapsody Crack


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Of all the Bond films, Thunderball is one of the mostsignificant. Not only was is very successful financially, but also because ofcertain… issues surrounding it.
Essentially, what happened was this: while Ian Fleming wasstill alive, and writing the Bond novels, plans were made to produce a Bondfilm. Fleming, along with a couple of other guys, put together a script.Ultimately, the film idea fell through, and the script was abandoned. Later,Fleming adapted said script into his next novel – Thunderball. He saw noproblem with this, since he owned the character. However, one of the men heworked with – Kevin McClory – began to kick up a fuss about how he had come upwith some of the characters and plot elements, and so technically owned them.Most significantly, he laid claim to the creation of SPECTRE and Ernst StavroBlofeld. This created legal problems when the film was made by EON, legalproblems that would plague the series for a long time to come. I won’t get intoit here, since this is about the film itself, not the problems surrounding it,but if you are interested in learning more about these issues, you can readfurther details here.
Anyways, enough ofthat stuff, onto the film proper. As I said, the film made a huge amount ofmoney. One of the likely reasons for this (apart from following on the heels ofthe insanely popular Goldfinger) was the special effects. The film makesheavy use of underwater filming. Now, that’s nothing special these days, butback then, it was a new and amazing technology. The filmmakers had the budget, andwanted to show off with it. Thus, they opted for one of the most water-centricstorylines: Thunderball.
The result is that there are a lot of underwaterscenes. And the thing about water is, people tend to move very slowly in it. Unfortunately,this means that sections of the film move at a glacial pace. However, to the1965 audience, they didn’t care – they were wowed by the awesome specialeffects, and as a result, the film raked in a vast amount of money.
So basically, it was the Avatarof its day.
But enough preamble, let’s go!

After the gun barrel (the first actually featuring SeanConnery) we open on a coffin with the initials JB. What? Surely we can’t startthe film with Bond already dead!?

Of course not! Bond is alive and well, spying on the funeralwith a French female agent (of course). Bond and the female agent arediscussing the man in the coffin, one Colonel Jacques Bouvar, who had murderedtwo of Bond’s colleagues. Bond was tracking him down, hopefully to kill him,when Bouvar apparently died in his sleep, leaving Bond disappointed.

Bond and the agent spy on the widow, who walks out of thechurch and up to a car. She opens the door, gets in, and the car drives off. Somethingisn’t right here…
The widow returns home, and is surprised to see Bond sittingin a chair by the fire. He tells her he’s come “to offer his condolences”.
He then promptly punches the grieving widow in the face.

What the hell Bond?! This is how you show sympathy?
However, all is not as it seems: Bond addresses the woman asColonel Bouvar and, after a short struggle, rips off the veil to reveal that itis indeed the allegedly dead Colonel.

Okay, faking your death to get Bond off your back, I canunderstand that. But was it really necessary to dress up as the widow andattend the funeral? I dunno, maybe Bouvar just likes dressing up as old women.Oh, and the clue that let Bond figure it out? “She” opened the car doorherself, instead of waiting for someone else to do it!
A fight ensues. It’s a pretty brutal one, made only slightlyridiculous by the fact that one of the men is wearing tights and high heels.Bouvar eventually grabs a poker and whacks Bond with it.

Bond turns the tables, though, and strangles Bouvar with thepoker, avenging his dead colleagues in the process. Bouvar’s thugs beginhammering on the door, so Bond makes himself scarce – but not beforethoughtfully tossing some flowers onto the body.

Bond runs outside, but he’s on the roof of the building! Howwill he get down?

Worry not, as Bond dons a… helmet? What are you planning,Bond?

That was his escape plan. A jetpack. Which he had stored onthe roof in advance. So his plan was “punch widow, jetpack away”. Ok then.
Bond lands outside the grounds of the mansion, next to theFrench agent in his Aston Martin. He then casually tosses the no doubt veryexpensive – and probably blazing hot – jetpack into the boot of his equallyexpensive car.
Bad guys exit the house and begin shooting. Bond and theagent hurry into the Aston. The car, mistakenly thinking it’s in a horror film,refuses to start, so Bond activates the rear bulletproof screen. And then, asthe agents get nearer, he uses a new feature: high-pressure jets of water shootout the back of the car and knock the thugs to the ground.

And as the water sprays over the camera, we segue into the awesomenessthat is Tom Jones.

Hells yes. That man has one hell of a powerful voice – sopowerful, in fact, that he reportedly passed out after singing that final note.Also, these are the first titles designed by Maurice Binder, and it establishedwhat would become the standard for those following: naked ladies (usually insilhouette) dancing or otherwise gyrating across imagery that relates to thefilm (in this case, underwater). And it is awesome.
After the credits, we open on a street in Paris.A car pullsup and a man gets out. A traffic attendant rushes over and tells him he’s notallowed to park there. However, when he sees who it is, he immediatelyapologises, calling him “Monsieur Largo”. Largo ignores him and strides acrossthe street to a building with a sign out front:

It’s supposed to be a charity for helping displacedindividuals, but all is not as it seems. Largo heads into the back of thebuilding.

He activates a secret switch. He passes through a hiddendoorway and into a large room, where some sort of board meeting is takingplace. But not just any board meeting. The man at the head of the table, whokeeps his face hidden, is Ernst Stavro Blofeld. This is SPECTRE.

Blofeld, addressing Largo as Number Two, invites him to sitdown. They appear to be having their AGM. They go through the business, puttingin apologies for Jaques Bouvar (who is excused on account of being dead) andput in their financial reports (mostly based off extortion). Blofeld, blazingthe way for countless villains after him, also randomly executes a henchman whofailed him via electrocution. While this unsettles most of the members sittingat the table, Largo is unruffled.
Blofeld now calls on Largo to explain their latest plan. Hedoes so, saying that their goal is to extort £100 million from NATO. Their plan has something to dowith a detox clinic in England, called Shrublands. Their agent Count Lippe isthere, ready to act.
Cut to Shrublands. Count Lippe is there, and meets anotherpatient, a Mr James Bond.

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Of course, it goes without saying that Bond is receiving amassage from a pretty blond girl at the time. Her name is Patricia Fearing, andshe’s supposed to be a nurse. But apparently this is a nurse in the “Hello, Nurse!” sense, rather thatactually being a trained medical professional, as she spends approximately allher time onscreen being chatted up by/having sex with Bond.

Anyways, Bond exchanges pleasantries with Lippe, and spots acurious tattoo on his arm: a red square with a spike through it. Lippe,realising that Bond has seen it, quickly covers it up. Bond is suspicious.

He calls Moneypenny on a payphone and asks her toinvestigate. Moneypenny is less interested in fact checking, and moreinterested in flirting. Bond, meanwhile, spots Lippe heading off in his car. Hegoes quiet for a moment, causing Moneypenny to ask if he’s fainted. Which is apretty stupid question, since if he had fainted, he could hardly say“yes”.
Knowing that Lippe is away from the clinic, Bond takes thisopportunity to search his room. Bear in mind that at this point, all Bond hasto go on is that the guy covered his tattoo. According to Bond, that is enoughto warrant breaking into his room and going through his stuff.
While he is in the room, a most curious thing occurs. The connectingdoor to the next room starts to open. Bond hides behind it, and someone pokestheir head in for a look. Bizarrely, this person has their entire head coveredin bandages.

How very strange. Before the figure can enter the room andsee Bond, he is startled by a phone ringing and flees. Bond decides to leave aswell, pausing to steal a grape on the way out. The monster!

Later, Bond pops into Patricia’s office for an examination.She orders him to disrobe, which Bond is more than accustomed to, and beginsexamining his body. Bond, needless to say, takes the contact as permission tograb her and forcibly kiss her. Still not past the rapey period, apparently.

To her credit, Patricia manages to resist. She decides, forher own protection, to strap Bond to a rather terrifying machine.

It’s called The Rack (an unofficial title, one assumes) andit stretches the spine. It does this by causing the patient to make constanthumping motions. Nothing new for Bond then. If humping stretches your back, nowonder Bond is so tall.
Bond, presumably resisting the urge to make a joke aboutPatricia’s “rack”, asks about the man in the room next to Count Lippe,reasoning that he might have been the bandaged man. Patricia doesn’t know much,but she knows that his name is Mr Angelo. She leaves Bond to the mercy of TheRack.
Shortly after she leaves, someone else enters. Bond onlysees their arm, and on the arm is a tattoo.

It’s Lippe. He turns the machine up to full power andcheerfully says goodbye to Bond. The machine goes out of control, increasingthe humping speed to dangerous levels. Bond looks like he’s in pain; althoughknowing him, it could equally be interpreted as him approaching orgasm.

Bond, exhausted from all the humping, passes out. Again,nothing out of the ordinary for him. He revives when Patricia rushes in andswitches it off. He is clearly rather shaken by the ordeal.
Not shaken enough to blackmail a woman into having sex withhim, though. Which he totally does. He implies that it’s Patricia’s fault themachine went out of control, and that he’ll report her to her superiors(potentially causing her to lose her job) unless she gets it on with him in thesteam room. Well, it’s a step up from outright raping a woman. Now he onlytricks them into shagging him instead. Progress!

After getting steamy, Bond goes to have a relaxing steambath. However, he sees Lippe doing the same thing. Deciding on some pettyrevenge, Bond turns the heat in the bath up to full and traps Lippe in it. Hethen leaves as Lippe begins to scream.

Cut to later, and Bond is giving a naked Patricia a massagewith a mink glove. Well, what were you expecting?

Elsewhere in the clinic, something is going down. We see aman called Major Derval busy romancing a redhead. Is there anyone atthis clinic who isn’t a sex machine? Apart from Lippe, of course.

The phone rings. The redhead answers, identifying herself asDerval’s secretary. Yeah right. The person on the phone asks to speak toAngelo. The redhead informs them they have the wrong number, and gets back togetting it on with Derval. Alas, they are interrupted again: Derval’s car hasarrived.

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He gets dressed in his uniform. He’s a Major in the airforce, and is heading off to a nearby air base. Hmm. Ready to leave, he opensthe door to see:

Good God! A clone! Not only does he look exactly likeDerval, he’s even wearing the same uniform!
The clone gasses Derval, killing him. Lippe and the cloneenter the room. The redhead is evidently part of this plan as well. While Lippeattends to the body, she identifies the clone as Angelo, and hands him a fewitems: an oxygen mask and a canister of nerve gas. She also hands him anenvelope with his payment. Angelo, having never seen a Bond film before,demands more money. I bet this goes well for him.
He also mentions that he has had extensive plastic surgeryand voice lessons to become a perfect imitation of Derval. Lippe hands himDerval’s watch and ID tags, and Angelo heads off in Derval’s place. The redheadand Lippe begin wrapping Derval’s body in bandages.
In the guise of Derval, Angelo successfully infiltrates theair base. “Derval” will be onboard a jet armed with a couple of nuclearwarheads. Uh oh. He boards the plane and away they go.
So a SPECTRE agent, in possession of a canister of deadlygas, is onboard a plane armed with nuclear warheads.
This can’t possibly be a good thing.

Screencaps courtesy
Dag's 33, is a fine example of the 33' CSY model, shown here at anchor in No Name Harbor, Miami.
Rhapsody on the hard/deep keel option. The staysail has been modified to ditch the club foot original to the design and instead add a furling system and double sheets led to blocks on the coach roof corners.
New anchor.
Had all the exterior varnish stripped off last year and applied 17 coats of Epifanes varnish.
Also screwed on SS rub-rails on the teak from the bow back to the spring-cleats.
A new 20 KG Rocna anchor sits on the bow. Very impressed with the anchor so far.
Showing her clean seaworthy, CSY lines.
Rhapsody during hurricane Wilma. I am happy to say there was no damage to Rhapsody:
She was a bit shaken, but not stirred. At least 13 docklines are holding her in place and there is
also lines across the canal holding her off the dock. Had I known how severe the storm would be,
I would have removed the sails...
Helm mod...Mounted a chart-plotter on the pedestal 2 years ago. I had to make a bracket out of aluminum to mount the plotter, also used bimini-top hardware with rubber-bushings to clamp on to the tubing.
Here is a picture of the bracket and hardware: The plotter is a S-H C180i
hooked up to an AIS 'engine' displaying ship traffic up to 29 n.m. away.
Helm 2.
The plotter is also connected to the Simrad autopilot, to the primary DSC VHF radio and also sending GPS updates every 20 minuttes to 406 EPIRB mounted just inside
the companion way.
Double Trouble: This is Rhapsody and Cinnebar sharing a dock in Fort Lauderdale. Rhapsody seems to be carrying the draft of a cruising boat.
BohemianMidship cleats nicely added.

Bohemian Rhapsody Cockatoo

This one is an experiment on cutting a viewing port in the 'storm-shutter' kind of
plexiglass panels protecting the real house windows on the CSY 33: Had to
make several of these clear round plexi pieces as they would crack when bent.
Finally had to use glue, then SS bolts and nuts.

Crackerjack Bohemian Rhapsody

Also mounted an compass on the inside so as to make this a poor-mans 'Pilot House'

Bohemian Rhapsody Crack Bri

In bad weather and with the auto-pilot remote I can steer the boat from the inside.
As can be seen, the hatches and all the external fiberglass on the boat have gotten
some fresh gel-coat sprayed on.
In this shot, note the block added to the corner of the raised saloon roof for sheeting the staysail. It's a good lead and works well for this conversion.
While Dag is quite modest, I have to say, when I viewed Rhapsody, I was immediately impressed with the thought put into each and every mod and certainly, the detail and quality of work. (sorry Dag, I had to add that! :)
In the end, actually both ends(a pun), the anchoring systems have been modified too.
For the stern anchor, Rhapsody uses a Danforth mounted on the aft rail, within immediate reach of the helmsman and can be quickly deployed. This is a real safety measure. A length of chain and the anchor rode, is stored just inside the coaming and below, in a secure locker specially set up by Dag. If and when needed, the helmsman can get a stern anchor down and maybe save the day, or if sailing solo, has everything needed to handle his boat and secure it bow and stern. Nice!!
Not to be overlooked since it fits in so well you might not notice, is the nicely installed windlass and new Rocna anchor. Both of these seem to fit as if originally designed. The simplicity, is actually just beautiful. Form and function, hand in hand and certainly well executed.
A fine solution also for the spare anchor. Easy to reach Fortress is mounted on deck in custom blocks between the two hatches. Simple yet functional.
Originally Posted 11/28/08