KIDS Crack

Crack cocaine or “freebase” are smokeable forms of cocaine which look like crystals or rocks. These forms of cocaine are made by chemically changing cocaine powder.

Also known as:angie, blow, C, Charlie, coke, crack, flake, freebase, hard, Henry, nose candy, rock, snow, stardust

Kids frequently get suspended at school for carrying it around, and often get in the same amount of trouble as if they had brought real crack to school. Other forms of happy crack do exist, but are not nearly as popular. Have fun challenging your friends in the hottest trivia game! Learn how to play. The wheel is split into seven sections. Six of them representing each of the categories: Art, Science, Sports, Entertainment, Geography and History; and one 'special', or Crown.

Crack cocaine, often nicknamed “crack”, is believed to have been created and made popular during the early 1980s . Because of the dangers for manufacturers of using ether to produce pure freebase cocaine, producers began to omit the step of removing the freebase precipitate from the ammonia mixture. Typically, filtration processes are also omitted. Baking soda is now most often used as a base rather than ammonia for reasons of lowered odor and toxicity; however, any weak base can be used to make crack cocaine. When commonly “cooked” the ratio is 1:1 to 2:3 parts cocaine/bicarbonate.

Most kids are little clowns by nature, but learning how to tell a good joke is a skill that they will need help mastering. Laughing together is a wholesome way to connect with your kids and cultivating their own sense of humor can help your children in many ways — from social situations to academics. Cocaine is a white powder that comes from the dried leaves of the coca plant, which is found in South America. Crack cocaine is a form of the drug that gives a very quick, intense high. Crack is made by cooking cocaine powder with baking soda, then breaking it into small pieces called rocks.

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Short-Term Effects

There are many unwanted and dangerous effects associated with using cocaine. A person on cocaine may feel agitated and nervous. Cocaine can also produce euphoria (“high”) and can make a person feel mentally alert, energetic and talkative. The senses of sight, sound, and touch are heightened. A person may feel more calm and in control. However, all of these effects do not last long. When the “high” wears off, the person may feel anxious or depressed and have intense cravings for the drug. Some people stay “high” by using the drug for hours or days.

Short-term use of cocaine can produce many other effects:

  • postponement of physical and mental fatigue
  • reduced appetite
  • increased blood pressure and heart rate
  • exaggerated reflexes
  • rapid breathing
  • dilation of pupils
  • dry mouth
  • anxiety
  • paranoid thinking

In addition, a person could potentially experience:

  • severe agitation
  • paranoid psychosis
  • nausea and vomiting
  • elevated body temperature and cold sweat
  • hallucinations
  • tremors (shaking) and muscle twitching

An overdose of cocaine can be lethal. Death may occur as a result of an abnormal heart beat (arrhythmia), stroke, seizures or respiratory arrest (breathing stops). There is no specific antidote that can reverse the effects of the drug. If you think that a person has overdosed, contact emergency services immediately.

Long-Term Effects

All The Other Kids Crack

Taking large amounts of cocaine for a long time can have many unwanted effects. People using cocaine may become depressed, have mood swings, or become restless and excitable. Their behaviour may be erratic, bizarre, or violent.

Some people become psychotic and can experience:

  • paranoia
  • hallucinations
  • delusions

Heavy users may have trouble sleeping, may change between feelings of intense hunger and a lack of interest in food. Users may experience impotence (sexual dysfunction). Other medical complications include high blood pressure and irregular heart beat.

A regular cocaine snorting habit is evident by a red, chapped, runny nose. A person may lose his/her sense of smell and develop sinus infections. The wall that separates the nostrils may develop a hole and bleed often.

Smoking crack cocaine can cause chest pain and breathing difficulties (crack lung).

Kids Cracking Neck

Cocaine users often develop social problems. They may become preoccupied with buying, preparing, and using the drug. School and job performance may suffer.

Sharing drug supplies, such as needles, pipes, straws, and spoons, can spread viruses. These include HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C.

Can cocaine/crack cocaine harm a developing fetus and newborn babies?

Cocaine use during pregnancy may increase the risk of miscarriage and premature delivery. Babies may be born underweight. Babies born to cocaine users may:

  • be irritable
  • feed poorly
  • not sleep well for several weeks after they are born

Is Cocaine Addictive?

Yes, cocaine is addictive. With repeated use, tolerance to the effects of cocaine can develop. Regular cocaine users can also develop psychological dependence which is characterized by intense cravings for the drug even when the user knows there are significant consequences.

Kids Cracked Feet

Regular users of cocaine who suddenly stop using the drug may experience the following symptoms:

Kids Crackle

  • exhaustion
  • extended and restless sleep
  • hunger
  • irritability
  • depression
  • suicidal thoughts
  • intense craving for the drug