The fourth in a series of Zachtronics reviews. Start with the SpaceChem one if you're seeing these for the first time. Series Playlist: https://. This one took me a while to crack, or rather it was fairly easy to make a solution. But it took me quite a few tries to make a good one. But it took me quite a few tries to make a good one. The sandwich maker print board have an xbus input where it gets a number from 1 to 3 which is three different modes. Zachtronics last night launched SHENZHEN I/O official site onto Steam Early Access, letting people have a crack at building circuits from electronic components then program them by writing in an assembly language. Thank you for your response. I know open source games aren't the norm, but they do exist and are something to be encouraged and discovered. For example, consider Quadrilateral Cowboy0, which is a recent game made available on all platforms, for sale on Steam, and open source. In particular for SHENZHEN I/O, this is a game all about coding! SHENZHEN I/O: FIRMWARE UPDATE VERSION 1.2 adds new parts and a new scoring metric, as well as a host of balance changes and bug fixes. FIRMWARE UPDATE VERSION 1.1. October 17, 2016. Optimize solutions right from the start! Annotate your designs! Make beautiful music! SHENZHEN I/O: FIRMWARE UPDATE VERSION 1.1 adds new parts and a new.

Yeah, this time we are going to make a personal sandwich maker. What could possibly go wrong when making food? Nothing right! This one took me a while to crack, or rather it was fairly easy to make a solution. But it took me quite a few tries to make a good one.

The sandwich maker print board have an xbus input where it gets a number from 1 to 3 which is three different modes

  1. Normal sandwich
  2. Hold the cheese
  3. Extra mustard

And the sandwich make then have 5 outputs

  1. bread
  2. meat
  3. cheese
  4. mustard
  5. flag

In case of a normal sandwich we have to activate the following

  1. bread – 1 time unit
  2. meat – 1 time unit
  3. cheese – 1 time unit
  4. mustard – 1 time unit
  5. bread – 1 time unit
  6. flag – 3 time units

There is no pause between the individual outputs. In case of no cheese, we should skip step 3. In case of the extra mustard we should trigger the mustard for 2 time units and then continue. The test cases looks like this

Solution to the personal sandwich maker

I started out using 2 micro controllers and a DX300. But I managed to boil it down to 1 MC6000 with a line of code to spare. But it took quite a few iterations. The solution looks like the image below.

I will just go through a couple of iterations of the code before coming to the solution, but the layout wont change

Normal sandwich

If we just were to accomplish the first mode the normal sandwich we could write the code as

Line 2 is only there for us to clear the x1 input so we will go to sleep. Other than that we just go through the whole process one at a time.
Line 10 uses a bit of a trick to remove a line. Originally it would have been the two lines

However by reading from x3 the output will be reset to 0, and thus we can “cheat” a little bit and thereby skip a line of code. Other than that this is straight forward.

Hold the cheese

Adding the second mode where we skip the cheese, we will modify line 7 and make it two lines, so we only sleep if the x1 is different from 2

Shenzhen I/o Cracked

Extra mustard

Now we only need to be able to add extra mustard. Which happens if x1 is larger than 2. So we can add an extra line of sleep with a + condition and make the code look like

And here we go. Now we can handle all three modes with a result that gives us the following


Shenzhen I/o Crack Windows

Cost: 6¥
Energy: 81
Lines of code: 13

Shenzhen I/o Crack Tool

Once it was written I must admit that it looks simple, but I had a hard time arriving at that solution. I hope it will inspire you.