The Banner Saga 3 - Deluxe Items For Mac

Items in The Banner Saga 3 will aid your heroes in their battles by granting bonuses, passive abilities and sometimes small penalties as well.

About The Banner Saga 3 Legendary Edition PC. Banner Saga 3 is the epic conclusion to a sweeping viking saga six years in the making. This strategic RPG, acclaimed for its strong story and compelling characters has won over 20 awards and been nominated for 4 BAFTA awards.

Every item has a Rank (1-15), designating the magnitude of the powers granted. Each hero can equip only one item, of the same or lower Rank as his/hers. Items can be:

  1. Items in The Banner Saga 3 will aid your heroes in their battles by granting bonuses, passive abilities and sometimes small penalties as well. Every item has a Rank (1-15), designating the magnitude of the powers granted. Each hero can equip only one item, of the same or lower Rank as his/hers. Items can be: found (usually at godstones) or granted as rewards for accomplishments, brought.
  2. The community has been enjoying the Bellower miniature but now, after several requests we're making Eyeless available to the Banner Saga community through our merch store! Buy selected physical items.
  • found (usually at godstones) or granted as rewards for accomplishments,
  • brought by Heroes who join the caravan,
  • purchased in Markets by spending Renown,
  • dropped as 'loot' for defeating the boss in Wave battles,
  • pre-order, DLC and Kickstarter perks,
  • console exclusives.

You cannot sell items at Markets or otherwise discard them. However, when Heroes are killed or leave, the items they had equipped are removed from your caravan.

  • 2Comparison Table

List of items[edit | edit source]

Below follows a gallery/list of all the new items available in the third part of The Banner Saga, ordered by rank and then alphabetically; click on any of them for more information. The in-game color of the name of each item is coded to its rank: grey = 1-2, green = 3-4, blue = 5-6, purple = 7-8, red = 9-10, cyan = 11-15.


  • Multiple items from the second part of The Banner Saga will also randomly spawn at Marketplaces.
  • The Marketplace Renown cost is twice the Rank of the item, up to Rank 10 at which point all items cost 20 renown.
  • In battle, fighting through all the waves before time expires will earn you a rare item. This item can either be unique, or a high-rank item normally found in Marketplaces.
  • Waywright's Amulet

SagaThe Banner Saga 3 - Deluxe Items For Mac

Comparison Table[edit | edit source]

This sortable table summarizes the properties of all new items introduced in the third part of The Banner Saga. Check below the table for the property explanations and other useful information.

Bride's Bangle115%1 (0/1)Reward (Switch)
Coveted Scepter315%Never missReward (Switch)
Isradel's Night71 (1/0)-230%Reward (Switch)
Tryggvi's Necklace (BS3)815:3333320%Quest (Ch18)
Gold Wasp93 (0/0/3)+11 Poison STR attackMov+3Reward (Deluxe Edition)
Meinolf's Armband96:33000+12 (1/1)Quest (Ch16)
Troll Ward91 (0/1)-2EmboldenMov+2;Reward (Kickstarter)
Waywrights Amulet93:00030-1Mov+2Battle (Ch17)
Gerradr's Advice1015:333332 (0/2)Never missMarket
Horn of Lichbaen103Att+2;Rng+1Reward (Bonus Edition)
Mala Prayer Beads102 (2/0)25%2 (0/2)Never missQuest (Ch21)
Petrie Clan Ring103 (0/3/0)+33 (0/3)Free RoamMov-2Reward (Legendary Edition)
Sculptor's Tools101ARM/turn adj. alliesHero (Kivi)
Swallow Ornament103:003001 (0/1)Shield WallMarket
Harlaugr112 (0/0/2)6:033002 (0/2)Market
Horn of Toivonen111 (0/0/1)1 (0/1)Skald's SongKB@3Battle (Ch19)
Last Stand1130%Att+2;10% miss StrReward (Kickstarter)
Little Fang1110%PunctureAtt+2;Market
The Forgotten111 (0/0/1)2:00002Light StepRng+1;Mov+1Battle (Ch21)
Death's Toll123+220%Heavy ImpactReward (Kickstarter)
Gosens Necklace122 (0/2/0)40%Battle (Ch21)
Jeweled Petal Ring123 (0/0/3)12:000201 (0/1)PunctureBattle (Ch19)
Meadspring Bottle122 (1/1)1 (1/0)Atk-2;Defy@1Battle (Ch18)
Vena Doll1230%30%Free RoamNever missMarket
Weaver's Ward124 (2/2)Shield WallDefy@1Reward (Kickstarter)
Coin Bracelet13430%Return the FavorMov-2Godstone (Denglr Redux)
Dredge Clapper1333:03000+2KB@3;Att+3Godstone (Dredge)
Gold-boar Tusk1331 (0/1)Mov-1;20% miss Str;Att+3Quest (Ch19)
Ringmother1415:33333+220%20%1 (0/1)Mov-1;Att+3Quest (Ch21)
Warrior's Beret1410:22222+250%Light StepNever missMarket
Brass Ocarina1534 (2/2)+3Hit and RunMov+2Battle (Ch21)

Item Properties Explanation[edit | edit source]

  • Stats: Bonus to the three basic stats, Armor/Strength/Willpower. ARM and WIL can also get penalty.
  • BRK: Bonus to Armor-Break, the special non-depletable stat, unlike the previous three.
  • Talent: Bonus to Ranks of the five Talents, ARM/STR/WIL/EXE/BRK. For example, '15:12345' means that the item grants +{1,2,3,4,5} Ranks to {ARM,STR,WIL,EXE,BRK} Talents, respectively, which sums in (up to) +15 Ranks.
  • /Turn: Bonus to the two replenishable stats (ARM/WIL) given at the end of each turn of the hero. Similar to Regeneration.
  • /Rest: Bonus to the two replenishable stats (ARM/WIL) given when the hero Rests during his turn.
  • Aggr: Modifier to the aggression the hero receives from enemy units (AI-related parameter). Can also be positive (penalty).
  • %Crit: Chance to cause Critical (double) Strength damage.
  • %Dodg: Chance to Dodge an incoming Strength attack, i.e. completely avoid its damage.
  • %Dvrt: Chance to Divert an incoming Armor attack, i.e. completely avoid Break damage.
  • Other: Special properties not falling into any of the above categories.
    • KB@X: Attacked units are knocked-back (moved) up to 4 tiles, if they suffer Strength damage of X or more. Note: If the Knockback happens during the target's move phase, the rest of its Turn is forfeited.
    • Res-X:Resist X points of incoming Strength damage of any source.
    • Dmg+X: Add X to Strength damage delivered to target(s).
    • Att+X: Add X to effective Strength, i.e. only for the purpose of calculating attack damage (and hit-chance). Can also be negative (penalty).
    • Defy@X: Hero avoids knock-out from any attack unless remaining Strength is X, or less.
    • Mov+X: Movement range is increased by X. Can also be negative (penalty).
    • Rng+X: Ranged-attack range is increased by X. Does not apply to melee and spear-wielding units. Does not apply to the range of any active abilities.
  • Acquirement Means: Where can the item be found. Some items found in Godstones or Quests can also be purchased from Markets.
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Buy Banner Saga Trilogy - Deluxe Pack as a Steam Key.

The Banner Saga Trilogy Deluxe Pack includes:

Banner Saga 3 Plot

  • The Banner Saga digital download and soundtrack
  • Banner Saga 2 digital download and soundtrack
  • Banner Saga 3 digital download and soundtrack
  • Digital Wallpaper
  • Digital copy of the world map
  • Banner Saga 3 - Gold Wasp in-game item

Banner Saga 3 Story

Weave your own thread through this epic Viking RPG adventure with the Banner Saga Trilogy. Guide your caravan across the landscape of a breaking world, where the sun has stopped in the sky and the gods are dead. Bold leadership decisions, wise use of resources, and skillful battle tactics are vital to ensure that you and your clans make it through alive. Who can you trust, how will you protect your allies and what choices will you make as the Darkness draws near?


The Banner Saga 3 Wiki

  • Beautifully hand drawn combat sequences and animations, accompanied by an evocative score from Grammy-nominated composer Austin Wintory, will immerse you into a fantasy realm inspired by Norse mythology.
  • Choose from 48 playable characters from 4 different races and 40 different classes, each with unique abilities and upgrade options to fit your play style.
  • Strategic combat with consequences - victory or defeat and even the permanent loss of a character depends on which characters you choose to take into battle and what decisions you make afterwards.
  • The journey is as important as battle – your role in building and managing your caravan as you travel the vast landscape is critical to not only your own survival but the survival of an entire civilization.